Aly’s Ark


This week on the Horth House, we discussed the mouse in the Horth House and the complicated background of “daddy issues.”

If you’re reading this, good, that means I found somewhere to plug in my computer. If you’ve tuned in this week, you understand what a mission getting power has been lately. Recently, my rabid mouse nemesis, Sparky, was a great archenemy, but it was his time. Sparky’s death comes six months after consistently terrorizing me in the middle of the night, showing up on security cameras, and having Great Gatsby-size parties in the attic with his fellow mouse friends. Gone but not forgotten. RIP Sparky.

Thank you for processing that with me; Sparky’s passing has been difficult for the members of the Horth House.

This week we discussed the history of daddy issues.

The concept was initially founded by Sigmund Freud, and Carl Jung and a concept called the Oedipus Complex. Oedipus Complex for men, the Electra Complex for women. What originally began as a subconscious attraction to a parent, quickly became a slang term called “daddy issues.”

According to Urban Dictionary, “daddy issues” are ‘when a girl has a messed up relationship with her dad, usually the father’s fault. Either the father left or is acting like a total bitch. As a result, the girl might be attracted to older men, or men with anger issues if her father was an angry man. This can sometimes cause her to stay in an abusive relationship because it feels like home. If your father left, don’t ever blame yourself for him leaving. He just missed the best thing that he could have ever had.’ [urban dictionary]

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to sharing more with you all. If you would like to share your story, please, contact The Horth House

A full transcript is available with each episode for anyone with a hearing impairment. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with The Horth House if you have any questions.

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Healing Through The Holidays


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