Back With Half A Brain Transcript
Good morning. Good afternoon. Guten tag to all of you. This is your host, Aly Horth. What the fuck is up, you guys? Welcome back. Welcome back to you. Welcome back to me. I'm very happy to be here. I'm very excited, very ready to be here, and I'm just pumped and, you know, amped to get started. If this is your first time joining us, welcome. I've been gone for a little while. I've been gone for about a year now. And I was in a massive car accident, and we're gonna get into it in just a few minutes, but I want to let everyone know, if this is your first time, then just know that this episode and the next one are gonna be a little bit different. They're gonna be a little bit of, kind of, ice breakers for me, just kind of getting back into the swing of things, because it has been so long since I've been on here, and, you know, I've had a lot of, uh I've had, I've had some injuries to myself, my brain, all the things, so it's just gonna take me a little bit of time. I'm also a little fucking winded right now, you guys. I just had a 15 minute full blown coughing fit. I don't know what was going on. I could not stop coughing. I, I genuinely thought I was about to pass out. So, I apologize that I'm a little breathy right now. I've tried to calm the fuck down, but I can't. So Alas, here we are. Anyway, so, yes, I was in a pretty massive car accident back in October of last year. I was stopped on the freeway and I was trying to get off. Um, I was just stopped the red light down the road, hadn't turned yet, so I was just kind of stopped on the freeway on the right hand lane. Someone wasn't paying attention, flew down the road, Just didn't see me, and luckily I had enough time to react that I was able to turn my wheels to the right so when I was hit by the other person, I didn't go into oncoming, or you know, I guess, like, go into traffic or get spun around into traffic and get hurt or hurt someone else. I just went into the, like, sand embankment on the side of the road, and you know, it was fine. Um, my car was on three wheels the last time I saw it, but it's okay. Everyone is fine. I'm okay. I'm okay. I had a severe burn on my arm, my inner arm, from the airbag, uh, when it released it just, I don't know, just the pressure of it I guess, got my arm and gave me a third degree burn from like my elbow to basically like my armpit. I hate the word armpit, but I also hate underarms. So it's like from my pitties all the way to my elbow, like the whole inner part of my arm, just the whole thing. Um, I had a little bit of a burn on my side and I had a massive concussion and I had a concussion for about eight, nine months or so. So I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. I'm starting to get a little bit better finally and feel, feel better. Kind of almost 100 percent normal. There are still things that I can't do. I can't really spin around very well, uh, without getting dizzy. I do get motion sickness a little bit more. And the worst one is, I cannot ride a bike for my fucking life. Now, mind you, yes, I know how to ride a bike. Not a problem. But something about the motion of it and having to, like, I don't know. I guess maybe like the bobbing of like your body just going left and right and having to focus and everything. My brain just doesn't do well. I'm great on the bike and then as soon as I get off I almost pass out and I basically give myself a concussion again. Like all the same symptoms and it lasts for like three or four days. So we're just trying to do the damn thing. Okay, we're trying to be adults. We're trying to do as best as we can here but it's hard y'all. It's hard. So, got a stationary bike, at least, so I could practice my little legs and move around and feel cool. But, not the same. Not the same. I do miss it. I miss the breeze. I know my dog misses it. And, you know, it's alright. We're We have a new normal. We have a different style of life for certain things nowadays. And that's alright. You know. We're adjusting. We're learning how to do it. So, other than that That's pretty much all my housekeeping that I have.
But I do want to just say one last thing real quick. There's kind of a vibe switch of the podcast, and I want to just discuss it real, real quick. Real, real quick. I kind of, um, lost direction a little bit. We're gonna just break the fourth wall for a minute. I kind of lost direction of where the podcast was going for a quick hot minute, and realized that every time I would record the podcast, any time I would get into it and start going in, about three or four episodes in, I was like, Dude, this gets really fucking depressing. Like, this gets, this gets really depressing. Like, how am I supposed to talk about this really heavy, you know, conversation on these topics when I just, I'm like, dude, I'm getting depressed myself just having to deal with it. So, I've done a lot of work. Taken a lot of time. You know, hit my brain with my car over here. So, I, I got some sense knocked into me, if you will. Not a great joke, but it, it's kind of true. I, I really have. Um, I don't know. I learned how to deal with stress a little bit better. I know how to just handle things better, and you know, if you've never had a concussion, you're basically like stuck with your own thoughts, and with your own self, but like you can't really think, and somehow you're functioning, but like you're not functioning. I don't know. It is the weirdest thing I've ever experienced in my entire life, and every once in a while, if I hit my head or something, I know that I'm gonna be out for like a day right now, because it's just, oh god. It's a new lifestyle. It's a new adjustment here. Okay, the vibe of the podcast has changed a little bit because I had a lot of time to sit with my thoughts and by myself and kind of just be in a padded room basically, uh, which was my bedroom.
But over time I realized that I didn't want this to be so negative and dark and heavy, and of course there's going to be moments where it is, but something about the Horth House and just the idea of the Horth House for me and myself is that I wanted it to be something that felt very, um, Comfortable, and, and homely almost, and, and welcoming, and it was like going to your best friend's house when you were a kid, or going to someone's house when you were a child and you went to their house and they had the best snacks, their parents were always super cool, they had the best stuff to watch, the best games, like just, it, it was like they had the perfect life. That's kind of what I want the Horth house to be, except I know it's not perfect, none of us are, and no one has the perfect life and the perfect house, but I, uh, I do want to just try to Make this as inviting and, and comforting as it possibly can be. So sometimes we're going to be talking about, yeah, daddy issues and things. But I also want to talk about some other things that really bring me a lot of joy or just that I have interest in. So we might talk about some pop culture references. I might talk about what shows I'm watching or movies I'm watching because we all need recommendations sometimes. And you know what? An hour is sometimes a long time for me to talk, but sometimes, it's not. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. That was a, that was a lie if I've ever heard one. Hold on. Let's back up. It is not hard for me to talk for an hour. It is hard for me to stay focused for an hour. So if I can have multiple different topics for all of y'all, the happier you can be, and the happier I will be, and the happier everyone that works on this podcast can be. Okay? But for right now, We're just gonna grit through, and we're gonna try to switch things up a little bit. If you guys don't like it, let me know, and you can just give me some feedback, whether that's on, or whether you go on the Horthouse Instagram page, okay? Horthouse 2h's, okay?
Alright, first thing up on the docket today, we're gonna talk about sports, which I understand is kind of a weird topic for me, of all people, to talk about. But, if you don't know this, I actually used to want to be a sports journalist, or like a sports columnist of some sort, or commentator of some sort. So I always enjoyed sports, but you know, I realized I probably was a little too hyper to really be able to focus. And I'm not one to be able to be like, oh, and he's going here, and this is what happened, and he did this. I have no idea. I need someone to explain that to me, and then I can explain it to you in the ways that I understand. So over the weekend, this last weekend, it was what, right after Thanksgiving? Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I hope you did not uh, murder your families. I really hope you did not hook up with your exes from high school when you went to your, you know, local bar the day before. But, you know, alas, here we are. If you did, no shame in the game, okay? I actually had a dream about my high school ex boyfriend a few days ago, and I have been on a deep dive trying to figure out where the fuck this guy went. I don't know if he died, I don't know if he's off the internet, I don't know what happened to him. But Honestly, I think what happened, I think I blocked his number years ago and I think I blocked him on my Instagram. And then I think I unblocked him and I think he blocked me back. So I'm not really sure what this little cat and mouse game we've got going here is, but it's basically just like high school all over again. I haven't talked to him in like, I don't know, nine years. So. It's cool. Um, anyway, he cheated on me in high school and then asked someone else to prom the same night that he asked me. And then I found out on Monday that, uh, my friend Shelby was like, Hey, Aly, are you going to prom with Chan Chan? And I was like, yeah, I am going with him. Why? And she's like, Oh, uh, yeah, she, he, yes, my friend. Sorry. And I was like, Oh, well, that's great. Yeah. My mom was real mad about that. I, uh, she was real mad about that. Anyway, I digress here, but I really hope you didn't hook up with your high school boyfriends. And if you did, please write into me. I'd love to hear your stories and you know, Give you a little advice about maybe how we could do a little better or how you could just mess with his brain for the rest of your life, like me, who hasn't seen their ex boyfriend in like nine years and is like, I wonder what he's doing.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and I hope you didn't, you know. hate your family too much. And if you did spend it with family, I hope it was all right and it wasn't too terrible. And if it was terrible, please again, let me know because I can bond with you. So for example, I'll give you my situation that happened on Thanksgiving. So in my family, Thanksgiving is like a huge deal. My mom is obsessed with the holiday. Couldn't tell you why. She just loves all the food. She loves getting everyone together. It's just, it's her thing. My grandma did it. Now my mom does it. Whatever. Right. I have my 11 year old nephew there. Now, actually he's, I guess he's my cousin, but. The way I was raised, my aunt was basically like my sister, so I consider him my nephew, and I actually call him my nephew more than anything, and I forget that he's my cousin. But anyway, so, my, my little cousin, he's like 11 years old. Precious kid, okay? He's, he's like a theater nerd at heart, but he doesn't really know it yet. He is, unfortunately, it's really sad, you guys, give him some love, but, I, He is the kind of kid he is He's just like he's such a cute little like goober nerd, right and Elementary school. It's just like not his time. Like he's in what fifth sixth grade now He's getting bullied by people like it's just not fun. He's not gonna thrive in middle school He's not gonna thrive probably in high school, but college college is gonna be his point Okay, that is going to be the peak of his life. So I'm driving him home Well, I'm driving him back to my grandma's house a few days ago and so it's like a 45 minute ride and I'm like, Hey, you want to drive with me?
And he's like, yeah, okay. And I'm like, all right, cool. So he gets in the back seat and we're talking the whole time. We're yap, yap, yap. And we're gabbing, we're, we're kiki and up. Okay. And this little boy and I are talking, I'm like, dude, I used to hang out with your dad all the time when I was younger. Like we would go to the mountain. We'd go skiing all the time. We, It was so funny. So my uncle would wake me up in the morning and we'd be or we'd plan it the night before, but he'd wake me up at like five in the morning. Both of us are not morning people. We are the people. We could stay up until three in the morning, ask us to wake up at five in the morning and we are not here for it. So I'm like, okay, fine. So every time we would always go to the mountain, I had probably like four hours of sleep because I was just so excited to go. So we would go to the mountain. We'd wake up at like five, six a. m. Um, Get on the road, we go to the gas station so he could get gas. We get to the gas station, we get a couple rock stars, maybe some monsters, whatever. We drink those on the way to the mountain. We'd listen to some rap music and we would just talk shit about everyone I went to high school with and it was great. Okay. I loved it. So I tell my cousin this story and I'm like, yeah, you know, your dad and I used to hang out. We'd just do all these things, blah, blah, blah. It was super cool. He was like my buddy growing up. Like he just, he was really there and really there for me and just kind of like a, yeah, I mean he was, he was an awesome uncle. Like he was like my dad that stepped in. And really, like, helped guide me with a lot of, like, real life shit sometimes, and it was awesome. So, I, uh, I really appreciated it. But, I'm telling my cousin this, and he's like, There's no way my dad did that. There's no way. And I'm like, Yeah, he totally did that. And in my mind, I had one thought to myself, and I said, You know what, Aly? This is your opportunity. You have waited your whole life for this moment right here.
Let's fucking do it big. So I decided to tell him all these stories and I was like, yeah, you know Your dad used to tell me all the time when I was in high school. We'd drive up to that mountain He would tell me, you know, Aly, you can tell me anything and I won't tell your parents. No problem You know, like you and I were buds, right? And not like, I mean, I feel like every fucking uncle is a little bit creepy But he wasn't, it wasn't like that weird It was more like I could tell him about people doing drugs and smoking weed and and drinking and things like that And it was It was good and it was bad. Okay. So for example, one of the things is I wanted to know if this was real, if my uncle was really going to tell my family everything and I wanted to trust him. And I was like, you know what? Let me plant some seeds. All right. So one day I told him, I think I was like 15 or 16 years old. And I'm like, yeah, Hey, Uncle Pete, my, you know, my friends and I were all hanging out one day. And, you know, someone was passing around a joint, and I, I hit it a few times, and whoa, like, getting high was so cool, dude. Like, it was so cool. And he's like, yeah, like, oh man, I used to smoke weed in college. Like, yeah, I totally know about high school too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh man, I won't tell your parents. You know what's funny? You know what's funny, Anki? Okay, a few weeks after that, I want to say about three weeks later, my parents sit me down on our couch and I knew when I got sat down on that couch my ass was about to get grounded.
Trust me, my ass had an imprint in that couch before I was like 15 years old. Okay, my parents grounded me for just breathing half the time. All right, so, oh, speaking of grounding, we'll talk about, we'll talk about Wicked in a minute too. That's a whole conversation we should really get into, but besides the point, so I plant this seed and I tell them, yeah, you know, we're, I've been, we've all been smoking and whatever. So my parents sent me down on the couch that day and they say, Aly, we got to talk to you about something. I said, okay. So then all of a sudden my grandparents are sitting there with me because that's who I was with. And then all of a sudden my mom and my stepdad pop up. I'm like, what the fuck is going on right now? What the fuck is going on right now? My parents are never here for this. Like my mom and my stepdad and my grandparents, they don't, they didn't always get along when I was growing up. Okay, so there was always a divide. Okay, it was like a divorced parents. I got grandparents on one side. I got mom and stepdad on the other. Okay, I had two different lives. So when they all came together, that is how I knew. Shit was about to go down, and not in a good way. Shit was about to go fucking fiery down. Okay, so I'm sitting on this couch and my parents go, Ahem, Aly, you want to tell us about you smoking weed in school? I said, excuse me? And I, I didn't say anything, I just, I let my parents believe that, and I got my ass grounded for it. So here I am, 15 years after this has happened, to let everyone know that was a damn lie. All right, I had never smoked weed until I was probably like 21 years old. I actually had a really good friend from high school who had gone up to San Francisco for school, came back down during like I think winter break or Thanksgiving break, one of the two, and they had a pipe with some weed and they're like, you want to try this? And I was like, yeah, you know what? I'm 18. Why not? And my parents had really instilled in me that if I smoked or did anything really illegal under the age of 18, it wasn't on me. It would be on my parents and that I would more than likely get sent to like a juvenile hall or some type of, like Paris Hilton level send away school type shit. Like that's where my parents wanted me to go for the longest time. Okay, so we're sitting here all together and I let my parents just rip into me. I let my grandparents rip into me. I let my mom and my stepdad rip into me. My aunt calls me later and rips into me. My uncle, of course, doesn't fucking pick up the phone for anything or a text message or anything back in 1492 when he could have called me back then. But it's cool. It's cool. It's cool. Don't worry about it. So I'm just waiting around to figure out what my punishment is. My parents, I don't even know what my punishment was. I just remember my ass was so grounded. I did not smoke weed. Like when I knew what weed really looked like and was until I was 21 years old. Okay. But basically you could have handled me a piece of basil and told me to roll that up and try to smoke it. And I would have believed that that was weed. Okay. I had no idea what weed was and what it was not. And I think that is Still to this day, one of the funniest moments of my life, that I got grounded for something that I didn't even know what it looked like, okay?
I didn't even know. So I'm over here like, whatever. So I took this as my opportunity. Because I said when I was, what, 15, 16 years old when this situation happened, and I always said, When my uncle and my aunt have a child, The best way I'm going to get back at them for ratting my ass out because it was my uncle that told my aunt and my aunt told my grandma. So I knew what happened. I knew this. I knew the system. Okay. Like I said, I planted some fake seeds to know which of the flowers were going to bloom and which of them were actually going to just be fucking weeds. No pun intended. Okay. So I decide to plant these seeds in my family. I said, okay, I'm going to get punished. So I'm going to vow today that when my aunt and my uncle have a child that I am going to tell them, Hey, you can talk to me and I won't tell your parents shit. Okay? Unless you murder someone, or you get a DUI, you get in trouble with the law, something like that, I'm gonna have to tell them. But if you, look, if you go do something dumb, and you know it's dumb, and you don't have a person to talk to, because you don't got a lot of friends, because you're getting bullied left and right, and your parents are kind of, mm hmm, okay? You can call me. Because I'm a real ass bitch and I know what's up, okay, and I will tell you the truth of like, hey, yeah, people drink in high school. It's shit. You shouldn't. It's bad for your brain. But honestly, it's sad because it's kind of a cultural thing in America that like the cool kids drink underage.
You shouldn't. It's really bad for your brain. And I know it's okay. It's like, but Ali, you weren't there. Okay. I was there. And I also was the kid that got drunk. And I also watch people nowadays. The kids that used to get drunk at like 13, 14, 15, 16, and like get drunk. Most of them are alcoholics. Most of them have substance abuse problems. Most of them have like really intense depression, codependency issues, whatever. They've got some demons they needed to solve years ago. So I'm telling you, don't pick up the bottle until you're, I'm gonna say until you're at least 18, because that's just a smart thing to do, okay? Just be smart. Be smart and don't get behind the fucking wheel of a car.
If you get behind the wheel of a car when you've been drinking, I'm just, I, I lose a lot of respect for you. Okay, there are so many options. There's an Uber. There's a Lyft. There are your feet. Not that this isn't a DUI, but I'm gonna call it because I think it's better than a fucking car. There are electric bikes. There's a scooter. Okay, some of y'all didn't grow up with Razor scooters, and it shows. Okay, my ass, my ass wasn't allowed to have Heelys when I was younger because I was too afraid of breaking my arm and honestly I was way too clumsy and I lived with a bunch of hills around, so that wasn't gonna happen. So, I Just had a Razor scooter at all times. Dude, I would bring that bad boy with me everywhere I went to parties. I would, I had a little strap on it. I'd put that bitch on my back. I'd bring my vodka and I'd be like, let's fucking party, you guys. And then I would ride my ass home. And you know what? I got sober by the time I got home and then I didn't reek of alcohol. And I also had a bottle of water, a real bottle of water, not vodka, water that I took with me as well. And I stay hydrated. Okay. Think smarter, not harder. Okay, people. Anyway, going back. So I tell my cousin, you know what, I'm never going to tell your parents anything. And I'm going to stand true to that. And I straight up told him, I said, you know what your dad told me that he would never tell my parents anything. And he totally told them. So I always said that when he had kids. I would be your buddy and I would not, I will never tell your parents because I couldn't stand that someone did that shit to me. I thought it was so rude and so disrespectful and just such a portray, like a betray of trust and respect and just a friendship and a bond. And I, and I get like where the person's coming from. Like, yeah, you don't really want to hear that your kid's 16 smoking weed, but if you think that your kid He's a popular kid, and they're cool, and they got a lot of friends, and things like that, and they haven't been around weed once? Honey, you're a little, you're a little Your reality and my reality are not the same.
Okay? Anyway, so I got to teach a kid about underage drinking, which actually, it's interesting though, because his mom has taught him a lot about like how life really works, right? And so he's, he's very interesting. So mind you, this is the car ride home at dinner. He's sitting next to me. I taught him about OJ Simpson. Okay. Like these are the conversations, these are the conversations that I have with children that are, you know, under 18. I'm like, what do I talk to you about? You're, you're Gen A or Gen Alpha, whatever the fuck it is. Like you guys speak a different language. I have to figure out what topics I can discuss that aren't cringy or cheugy or icky or whatever. I, I don't know. There's a whole different alphabet nowadays. Okay. Okay. Oh my god, anyway. So we were going back to Wicked, right? We're talking about me getting grounded all the time. My parents bought Wicked tickets to go see the play, Wicked. Years and years and years ago. Again, probably like 15 years ago. This is really like a high school throwback episode. So, probably about 15 years ago or so, my parents bought tickets to Wicked. Four of them or three of them, whatever. And I was supposed to go. And I was very excited to go. I was like, oh my god, this is going to be the best day. This is going to be great, blah blah blah blah blah, right? My parents grounded me for some stupid shit. I actually, it might have been, it might have been like this very exact situation of like the weed situation and whatever, but you know, it is what it is. And my favorite part is like, my parents also got, let me, let me throw this in there. My parents also got me drug tested like every two weeks at school. My school would randomly drug test you. And if your parents were suspicious, they could just call in school and say, Hey, I want them to be right. Like drug tested more often. My parents would call school and say, Hey, we want her drug tested. Like, we think, we, we've heard she's on drugs. Drug test her. And my parents, I swear, my parents literally thought that I faked drug tests. If you think I'm gonna put my hand into a public fucking toilet with my pee and the remnants of people's pee, poop, vomit, whatever. Ugh. Absolutely the fuck, I would rather I would rather fail a drug test in high school than put my hand in the toilet to get half water and half pee. I actually don't even know how it works, okay? I don't know how to fail a drug test or anything, okay? Well, I mean, I do know how to fail a drug test, do drugs, but I didn't know how to fail one at the time, okay? Like, fake fail one. So I'm over here like, okay. It got to the point, you guys, where I was getting drug tested every two weeks because of this, and my school literally told my parents, She is not on drugs. We are drug testing her so often She would not be able to fake it and it is so random That she would not be able to like my pee would be fucking steaming in the thing Like it would have you know Condensation at the top of it and my parents are over here like we think she snuck it I'm like, oh my god It got to the point you guys where I had to like lie to my parents about what year I lost my virginity Where I was when I lost my virginity. I didn't lose my virginity. I don't how old was I alone? I lost my virginity I lost it like a year and a half after my parents thought I, nah, no, I probably, I think my parents thought I lost my virginity when I was like 14. I didn't lose my virginity until I think I was like 16. And I lost it to a boy who was in college, which I really just think is weird now that he was like 21, 22 and dating me and it was just, I don't know, just, there's a lot of things I look back at with my high school career and I'm just not, I'm not sure what happened there.
Speaking of. I never got in trouble with the law. I was a good kid. Okay, literally all I ever did was like, just not turn in my homework or lie to my parents about doing my homework or just going to cross country. Okay, I did get a B in cross country because I didn't show up one year quite often because who wants to run like eight miles junior year of high school when you've already met your credits? I didn't need to be there. My parents just wanted to keep me busy because they didn't want to have to deal with it. Okay, so I had to go do cross country. I got to be my who knows, like I said, pick a reason of why I got grounded. That was why I got grounded. Okay, so my parents decide to go to wicked. They go to the play without me. Then proceed to come home and tell me about every single detail of the play as if I was sitting in the fucking audience. Okay. I was livid. I was like, I never want to see this play. I basically blacked it out for my brain and was like, we're not doing this. Okay. We're not doing this situation. I'm not going to deal with them. They're not going to deal with me. This just is not the time, okay? I, for, you know, 15 years or so, have never wanted to see Wicked. I've never wanted anything to do with the damn thing. Now, mind you, I love The Wizard of Oz. My grandparents, actually, the ones that I was always around and that raised me, my grandpa's mother, my great grandmother, my great grandmother. She was basically my grandma all the time and her, uh, like just in the sense of like how your grandma is kind of around, but like, sometimes you go see her when your parents are busy, whatever it, she's like my second babysitter. So she and I would watch that movie all the time. When I was a kid, my parents, they literally VHS recorded it.
And there were like old commercials in between. Like it was a whole thing. Okay. This was literally from like the sixties when they did the show. I don't know, 60s, 70s sometime. Anyway. So this thing is so old. It's ridiculous. My parents are just telling me every detail of this. So I've never wanted anything to do with it. The wizard of Oz is incredible, but I also just watched it a few days ago. And that also creeps me out as well. So I don't really know that there's a win here, but you know, we'll get there. So I decided, you know, I'm going to go see the The movie. I'm going to go see the movie Wicked. I want to go see it. I had seen all the promos. Obviously, we've all seen, you know, the whole press tour about it and all the videos that everyone's posted on Instagram and threads and TikTok and, uh, X or whatever, whatever social media you're on, right? Everyone's talking about this movie. So I decided, all right, I'm going to go see it. I got to go. So I go, it comes out on Friday, I came out, I went to go see it Friday night at like 10 50. There are 14 people in the theater with me. And it's one of these theaters where you sit there and the screen obviously is right in front of you. And then the screens on the wall. And are also screens. So there's two projectors. So I literally have a 270 view of this entire movie. Now that's like, Ooh, that isn't that a little intense? No, the majority of the movie was actually on the main screen, like you see in a regular movie theater. And then it was like the scene with all of like the tulips and like bigger scenes, things that really. I wanted you to like feel immersed in the actual movie itself. That's where like that I thought that was really where it was. And to be honest when I watched it, now mind you, I had a couple edibles so I was like kind of in my own little world, but when I was there I really did feel like I was part of the movie. You know, Munchkinland, and Oz, and all these places, like, I really felt like I was at Shiz, and, you know, doing all this stuff, and you have no idea what I'm talking about, then great, you haven't seen the movie yet, and that's okay.
Don't worry, I don't know anything about Act 2, except a couple things, and I'm not gonna give any spoilers away, right? If I talk about it on here, it's everything we've all seen on the internet, it's not anything new, trust me. I had someone ruin it, so I'm all good, I'll get to it. I go see it Friday night. Okay, it's like a three hour film, right? I get out at like 1, I get home at like 1. 30. I'm like, oh my god, the entire time I'm like, holy shit, this was incredible. And mind you, Kendrick Lamar's album also came out that day, and that is how good this play was, is that I didn't even listen to the album yet. I had to wait another day. All I did was listen to the Wicked soundtrack on my way home. That's all I did. And so I'm like, Oh my gosh, I love this. It's a great movie. It's a great play. Like, what a great storyline, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right? So I'm talking to everyone about it. Anyone that will talk about Wicked with me. I'm literally messaging every friend I ever had in musical theater, in theater, it's an actor, anything. I'm like, Yo, do you know about this? Do you know about this? Do you know about this? So I'm, I'm nerding out with all my theater friends. I'm having a blast. And I am just talking anyone's ear off that will let me, right? So I. go Saturday, all day talking about it. Sunday, I'm talking about it again. Monday, one of my favorite podcasts comes out and it's all about pop culture, right? It's called Chicks in the Office. It's a great podcast. If you haven't listened to it, you definitely should. It's a great podcast. You should listen to this one as well because this is, this is great as well. But I, I'm mad at them right now. Okay. I'm mad at them right now. And, and I'm upset. I'm upset. I'm upset. They're talking about the movie because they saw it over the weekend. They're talking about the movie, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, they're yapping about. One of the girls, there's two girls that are on the show, one of the girls fully, fully lets out a huge plot point, a huge plot point. I'd like huge plot point a back to they say, Hey, if you don't want to hear about the movie here, you know, maybe fast forward.
Okay. Like we don't want to spoil the movie for you. They don't say shit about act two. Okay. No one co signed for me to talk about act two. We're talking about act one in the movie. Okay. We are talking about part one of wicked the movie, not act one, movie one, part one. Okay, great. Thank you. So this bitch gets on there and she's like, okay, yeah, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Oh, and this person is this, and this person is this, and this person. I'm like, what the f Are you kidding me? I call my partner. I say, excuse a fucking moi. What is ha Who does that? Who does that? Then I go on the internet and I'm like, is anyone else upset about this? Then the, of course, what happened? The internet attacked me. The internet gaslit me and told me I was the problem. I am sorry. I literally screenshotted it. I have, like, played this for so many people. I'm not in the wrong here, okay? I don't care if I am. I'm not in the wrong. They said that it was a spoiler for the movie, not the play, the movie. Now, this is what fucking got me. Five seconds after she releases this major, major detail, along with a few other minor details that are a large part of the plot, They go on to say, Oh, you know, but I can't, you know, there's a lot of discourse online about the people that haven't seen the play and you know what, if you haven't, like, great for you and the people that have, don't spoil the second part for the people that haven't seen it. And the girl goes, Oh, I guess I just did that, huh? And her friend's like, I mean, no, but like, you know, the story's been out for a long time, like totally defends her. I'm like, how can both things be true? You just said not to do this, but now you're being hypocrite because you literally just did it and you don't even care.
So I was upset. So yes, I went to the internet, then everyone got mad at me, told me I was the problem, like, well, they said spoilers. I'm like, they said it for the movie. Okay, here's where I come from with things like this. Okay, it's gonna be, I don't know if everyone's gonna agree with me, but here's where I come from with it. It is like watching, it's like if you're into sports, let's say. If you watch the Super Bowl, and you watch the first half, and you watch the halftime show, let's say, But you actually care about the game and someone just tells you, Hey, by the way, the Chiefs won 44 to 10. Well, okay, well then what is the point of me watching it? What is the point of me watching? Even if I watch it, the highly anticipated moments where we're not really sure what's going to happen, I already know what's going to happen. So that's frustrating. Okay, and now hear me out because I've done this. All right, I skipped Super Bowl a few years ago We're gonna make it like I said, we're gonna make about Super Bowl cuz it's a little easy right now a few years ago When Rihanna performed at Super Bowl, I did not watch that Super Bowl. I was doing this massive Sustainability and architecture test that I had to do. It was a huge thing. Okay, I studied for months It was very stressful and I somehow had to Gotten it scheduled specifically on Super Bowl Sunday, which I didn't know and I did and I was pissed about it. I was like, oh my god, I cannot believe this. So I missed most of the first half of the Super Bowl. Then I missed the entire halftime show, but I wanted to know who won the game. Well, by the time I was done celebrating and happy that I passed my test, because you find out right when you're done if you passed and how you did and everything, so I'm, I'm happy. I'm celebrating everything. By the time that I finished my test, it is the last Super Bowl. Minute of the game and I find out who won now I don't remember who played at this point, but I know that I knew the ending of it So I never went back and watched the Super Bowl now Yes Did I miss out on a lot like Rihanna's whole Super Bowl performance and everyone making the jokes about her dressed in red and this And this and this like I just remember there being like, you know My period coming in like, you know, whatever and all these things like I just remember me They're being really really funny memes about it. I never watched any of it I never saw anybody I didn't you know And I loved Rihanna. Like, I, it's not like I didn't care. I did. So, I was a little upset by this that I now got to experience the game, but it was only going to be the last minute. And so, I knew what the end of the movie was, right? Like, I knew what the end of the game was going to be.
So, making it about Wicked now, I know a huge plot point. of the movie. I know, I know about three or four now. Actually, I know about four. So, which is not great. And I know that there are, I've heard from my friends and people around me that have watched it before and they're like, don't worry. There's like three to five more plot points, really big ones that you don't know yet. Don't worry. Like there's going to be some good ones. Okay. Blah, blah, blah. I'm like, okay, fine. Whatever. But what bothers me is that I feel like this. Big plot point that I know. It's supposed to be a large one that a lot of people freak out about. And I already know it. So I know that it's anticipated. I know what's coming. So I feel like now when I watch part 2, I'm just going to be looking for, oh, what is this? What is this? What is this? What is this? Trying to figure out every little part and put together like the play and the storyline and everything all together. Okay? So everyone's telling me, no, it'll be fine. You know, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. You're kind of in the wrong. Like they, you know, they're the spoilers. You know, the internet's attacking me all the things, but here's where I've got a problem. If you watch Superbowl on a Sunday, okay. Everyone's going to see Superbowl on the Sunday and then Monday is going to come around. Tuesday is going to come around and maybe Wednesday, it'll kind of die down. You might not learn, but you might see A tweet or we're not using Twitter anymore are we so you might see a thread or a reel or an instrument with something talking about the game a few days ago, right? And a big spoiler, especially if Taylor Swift is there, you're going to know everything that happened, right?
So, and maybe you can dodge social media pretty well. Maybe you can isolate yourself quarantine style. Maybe you can go like full concussion alley and just not look at your phone for about four days. Okay, if you're lucky enough to do that, great for you. Okay, then you probably could dodge this bullet pretty well. But. More than likely, you're going to find something out there that's going to show you, you know, what the end result is, right, or something that's a spoiler of the game, right? So then maybe if you find out the spoiler, maybe you find out, hey, the Chiefs won, you know, what did I say, 47 to 10 or whatever, then maybe you're not going to want to watch it. Because you already know the end, right? I feel like it's the same for this, but if you watch, if I watch that same Super Bowl game now, I'm not going to remember any of the details, right? So I did this with the play and the movie and everything. So with the play, my parents told me about every plot point humanly possible 15 years ago. And thank God I blacked it out and I dissociated when they were telling me everything and I just, you know, started having my own play in my head. ADHD at its finest. It really benefited me sometimes. And so I was associated, I don't remember a single thing that they told me about that play. Great. Then I see part one and I'm fucking stoked.
I love part one of this movie. It's incredible. All the callbacks to Wizard of Oz. Great. Great film. Okay. Three days later. Three fucking days it took someone to ruin it for me. And why? Because I listened to a podcast that told me, Hey, we're not going to spoil it for you. We're not going to tell you anything. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Just about the movie. Okay. And I specifically went to see the movie on Friday night because I knew they were going to see it that weekend. And I wanted to hear everything they had to say about the movie on Monday. I was livid. Okay. So I'm hoping, I'm hoping my brain can forget a few things. Maybe my concussion can kick back in for a few weeks and I can just forget the plot points and maybe in a year I won't remember as well. That's what I'm hoping, my fingers crossed, that's what I'm hoping for right now currently in this present day, okay? It's not gonna happen, okay? It's not gonna happen, okay?
It took me, it takes me years to forget things. It just, I already want to go see Wicked again. I saw it two days ago. Every time that I looked at it, I was like, Oh my god, you totally can. If you know what the plot point is, you totally see all these foreshadowing moments for all these four different plot points I see. Damn it. Okay. I was so upset. I was so upset. So, it is what it is. Also, did you guys know, fun fact about Wiccan and Wizard of Oz, did you guys know that the ruby slippers are actually supposed to be silver? Now that's not a giveaway. Okay, don't freak out. I didn't spoil anything. Okay. Calm down, you guys. Relax, Rebecca. Okay, speaking of Rebecca, we got another thing to talk about in a second. The ruby slippers were actually supposed to be silver, but apparently MGM, when they made their movie, they wanted to highlight them a little bit more and really make them stand out on stage. And especially against that yellow, you know, opposite colors, if you know, you know, uh, are they opposite colors? Actually, that's a great question. I think they are. There's somewhere, there's somewhere around there anyway, but They, they just juxtapose one another very well, right? So the ruby slivers are apparently supposed to be silver. So I mean, I just thought that was like a kind of a cool thing to learn. Uh, also the crown that Ariana Grande wears as Galinda when she comes to the bubble and she's like, it's nice to see me, isn't it? Uh, and what's good to see me. Yeah, it's good to see me. Isn't it? Uh, she apparently that whole crown is made out of, uh, like 3d paper. So thought that was a cool fact. Very sustainable, very cool. Very. Very sustainable, very earthy, very demure. Okay, very proud. Thank you. Alright, speaking of Rebecca, I don't know if you guys have watched, uh, we've really just gone all over the place and, and turned our, how did we turn sports into wicked?
Like, that's what I want to know, and that is the transition of my life. I'm proud of that. Anyway, so, I, uh, I don't know if you guys have watched, uh, Nobody Wants This, okay? I am a little bit behind in the game. Only, only because I'm late to talking to you guys about it. I have watched this show fully through eight times already. Okay, eight times. If my Netflix did a Netflix wrap, they would say, bitch, get a hobby. All you have done is watch this show nonstop since it came out. Okay. I had about two weeks after it came out. I just heard so much about it. And I was like, all right, fine. I'll just watch it. Fuck it. Who cares? And I just, I love Adam Brody. I love him. Okay. I think he is so cute. All of my ex boyfriends looked like him growing up. Okay. Except for like one who had blonde hair, but he was basically a blonde Adam Brody. Obsessed, okay? Even, even my boyfriend who ghosted me, who I don't talk to anymore from 100 years ago, who asked someone else not to prom, who I haven't talked to in nine years and I was Instagram stalking four hours ago, even he looked like Adam Brody, just with a shaved head. I mean, beautiful people, okay? So anyway, so I'm like, all right, we got to see Seth Cohen, aka if you know, you know, if you don't, it's from the OC and if you've never watched the OC, you should definitely check it out. But you should also look at when the OC was coming out about Misha Barton and her drug problem because it really, it really shows in her character. She kind of became her character and it's just like a whole thing. Anyway, I just, I deep dive for the day. So going back here, I love Adam Brody. And so I was like, all right, I'll watch this. I'm not really, it's a weird take, but it's kind of a hot take with me. I like Kristen Bell as an actress. I don't like her as a person. And that's not to say that I don't hear, mm, okay, I don't even know if that's really a true statement. Let me explain and then you guys can figure it out. Maybe we can figure it out together. I like Kristen Bell in things that she acts in, okay? I think she is an incredible, Anna, I think she's a great, uh, character in Nobody Wants This. I think she's a great character in The Good Place, okay? I think she's a really talented actress, right? I think her and Dax Shepard are the weirdest couple in the world. Like I think they're just a little Okay, I forget where it was. She was doing press for like, Nobody Wants This or something, and she's like, yeah, I've never been in a bar. I'm like, I'm sorry, how old are you? You've never been in a bar? I don't believe that. You've never been in a bar? But her husband is also sober, so it makes sense. I'm just saying, I think in the next life that Kristen Bell has, she's going to be Kristen Bell again, just with a different husband. I don't know.
I stand by that. I'm sorry. That's my hot take for the day. Okay. Anyway, I love Kristen Bell on this show. I think it's great. I think it's funny that she is also a podcaster and her sister does a podcast with her and it really just makes me think about the fact that I used to have someone that would do this podcast with me as like my audio guy, basically. He was my, my best friend used to help me with this podcast a lot and that's why I had to stop for a little bit because every time I tried to do it, I thought of him and it like really hurt me. So I just had to go to therapy for like, You know, months and months and months and then get hit by a car and have my head go into a wall.And you know, everything was fine. Um, after that, we've learned to get better. But I honestly, I realized at a point that it would be a disservice to him and he would be so mad at me if I just wasted all this time and money and resources and energy that we did into me wanting to build this podcast and him always building me up for it for me not to do it anymore. So this is for him. In honor of him and everyone that I've lost, I'm putting the energy in that I love for you guys into this shit. Enjoy. So if the podcast is shit, then you can't come at me for it, okay? I love you, it's just a different kind of love. It's like, hey, I'm putting all my love and energy into this, so if it comes out like shit, it's just, this is gonna be the equivalent of like a macaroni necklace that like a four year old made for you, and I hope you enjoy it, okay? Can you imagine if the artwork for this was just like the whorehouse? Oh my god, that's gonna be my first merch I ever fucking make. Okay, I used to talk, oh my god, you guys, I used to talk about putting my nude on a sweatshirt. We'll do that still, don't worry. I'm gonna put my nude on a lighter one day. I saw it one time and I was like, oh my god, I'm totally gonna do this. Um, we're gonna do that, but I'm definitely gonna make macaroni necklaces for us. I think that is, that is the first product this, this podcast needs to have that is beautiful and incredible.
Um, anyway, I love Nobody Wants This. I think it's a great show. If you haven't watched it, it's basically about a woman. Kind of think of me. Okay, really? It's a one of my friends actually watching. She's like, this is very ill There's a woman who dates dates toxic men. She has a sister. I don't have a sister But she she dates toxic men and she has a podcast She talks shit about all and her podcast and her with her sister is called Nobody wants this and so they talk about all these things, right? Then there is a boy who are man who is a rabbi Seth Cohen, a. k. a. Adam Brody, Adam Brody, and he is this beautiful Jewish man who is becoming, uh, or in the process of becoming head rabbi at his temple. And they kind of have to decipher between, you know, one of them really being true and loyal to their faith and their religion, and the other one not really caring about religion and not, you know, being raised around it and not having any, you know, type of relationship with it, right? So it's kind of like this give and take relationship, but it's just really beautiful. And if you haven't seen all the memes online, it's basically the first time she gets someone healthy. And it is, it's, it's just a really beautiful message. One for, you know, people that have dated shitty guys and had to deal with things, but also other people that have really embraced having a healthy relationship after so many negative ones. So it's the first time that she has someone that says like, Hey, I can handle you. Like, Hey, it's okay that I'm vulnerable with you and emotionally intimate with you. That's not bad. You're not used to that. So you think it's wrong, but it's not wrong. Okay. Then, and you're all right. And I'm here and we're good and it's safe. And like, I got you. Okay. And I think it's just, I think it's a really beautiful message and things like that. It has one of the most passionate kisses I've ever seen in my entire life. It literally gives me goosebumps. I'm like, Oh my God, they, uh, There's one part where he, like, puts his hand on her face and then he, like, grabs her. Oh my God. Kristen Bell said when they filmed it that her and Adam Brody were doing a press tour about it and, or like an interview on their press tour, and had talked about how they really wanted to build up that moment and really make it Kind of just the anticipation of wanting that kiss that really caught the attention of the audience and really brought them in and made them want it even more. Right. So she talked about it and she talks about how Adam Brody put his hand on her face and you know, kind of starts to lean in and all of the women. In the production, you know, set and everything are all like, and she's like, oh, that's how I knew it was going to be the one. Like, I knew this was going to be a good one. And it was just, oh my gosh. And Dax Shepard, her husband in real life, even says like, yeah, she does not kiss me like that. And honey, honey, she should. Cause that shit was hot as hell.
Alright. What else we got here today, guys? I think that's it. I think that's all we got for today, but you know, I just want to say thank you guys so much for joining me and being here again. It's been a while. I know it's been a long time and I just appreciate you guys showing back I'll be here more consistently. Okay. Well, it's like I said, we got to do it for the dead people. So just like dinosaurs, you guys, all of my friends are dead. We will talk about a next episode about where I'm at in my, my friend ballpark in the arena of friendships. Because when you're 30, you go from when, when you go from college, you have all your friends right around you. And then you, you know, everyone starts to move away. You graduate from college, everyone starts to go their own direction. So now you don't have them in the near like vicinity, right? As you get 30, You also don't have them in the near vicinity. And then all of you are doing different things, okay? You're, one of you is getting married, one of you is having kids, one of you is getting divorced, one of you is, you know, grieving a pet, one of you is grieving a child, one of you is grieving a parent, one of you is traveling the world, one of you is trying to date, one of you is having their very first boyfriend, one of you just lost your virginity. I don't know what the fuck the 30s are about. This shit is wild. Okay, someone threw in every color, every white shirt, every, every piece of laundry they had into this one fucking washer, and we're just hoping it all doesn't blend together, okay? It is a shit show, friendships in your 30s, but they become so small, and there's so few of them, and then people are like, oh, you know, I already have friends, I don't need more. It's just, it's a tragic time to need friends in your 30s. So, we're gonna talk about next episode, how desperate I am for friends, and it'll be great. Alright, you guys, thank you so much for joining me. I love you so, so much. If you can, please make sure to like and subscribe the podcast, rate and review, share it with a friend, share it with your enemy, share it with your ex. If you know where my ex is, please send it to him and tell him to shout the fuck out because I haven't talked to him in a while. And honestly, it's not because I'm like in love with you. It's like, dude, we, we've just been friends for like 20 years. Let's, let's fucking talk. I haven't seen you. How you doing?
Anyway, send it to a friend, do all the things, make sure to go follow us on the Instagrams. Alright, at Horth House, two H's, technically four if you're really thinking about it, but two H's, and uh, I will see you bitches later. Love ya. Bye!